Ric Bretschneider

My thoughts in your brain…

Archive for June 2010

Why does this appeal to me so?

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I recently got a link to a page that advertised an updated Commodore PC.  Amazing PC stats with a nostalgic nod to our wasted youth. No joystick, no Donkey Kong (or similar knock-off) in sight, yet the memories rush to the surface, unbidden, yet very welcome.

However, a few moments investigation proved that I was mistaken.  The original game system was just the inspiration for a series of new PCs, the picture on the page there to evoke that nostalgic blush.  Sure the new models are pretty, but they’re not really what I got excited about.  I wished the maker had fabricated the original plastics, the original shape and feel of the old computer, and pumped it full of current high-tech goodness.  Then I could simply tote it home and hook it up to a monitor out of Brazil and bask in geeky glory.

Why am I so attracted to this type of product?  Is there really such a mystery?  The cutting edge and the nostalgic glow combine into something wonderful.  It does recapture the original magic that, to me at least, was the promise of technology.

And similarly, my new iPad yearns for a keyboard. And now it yearns for this keyboard. I give you the ultimate in the retro realm. Sure, a tad more expensive than the Apple provided solution, but so many points for flat-out cool.

USB Typewriter

Written by ricbret

June 15, 2010 at 2:40 am

Want to show off your presentation design skills?

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Every year, Rick Altman throws a party disguised as a conference. This year the conference is called the Presentation Summit, and he’s holding it on October 17th-20th  at the Catamaran Resort Hotel.  That’s just two blocks from the Pacific Ocean in San Diego, on a private bay side setting.

Presentation Summit

The attendees are all there to learn about how to make better presentations.  They also make great contacts within the industry, have a couple of fun days learning cool techniques and tools, and generally have a great time.  Oh yeah, there’s usually an open bar, a game show, a late-night rap session, and occasionally people go into the pool fully dressed. But they do come away from this unique experience armed to create and give better presentations.

And Rick wants you to join this year’s festivities for free.

All you have to do is produce a great presentation design for use by the conference presenters.  The winner gets free attendance.  The details are here: http://www.betterppt.com/summit/design-contest.   Want to get a sense of what we’re talking about here?  Check out the previous years winners: http://www.betterppt.com/summit/design-contest/past-winners.

So what are you waiting for?

Here’s another link just for fun: http://www.betterppt.com/summit/video/


Rick Altman of the Presentation Summit conference wants to have you join his festivities for free.

Written by ricbret

June 2, 2010 at 11:17 pm

Posted in Design, Media, Presentations